Would you like to get to know me?

Hi, I’m PJ Spur

Intuitive – Astrologer – Spiritual Mentor – Author

I love to empower women who may be:

  • Entering a new chapter of life

  • Feeling stuck in their career

  • At a crossroads in life

  • Experiencing a recent loss

  • Feeling lost or uninspired in their journey

  • Questioning “Why am I here?” and seeking answers or clarity

Are you feeling stuck, lost, indecisive, saddened by events in your life, or just having no idea about what to do next? Sometimes, life transitions are hard and it may help to have a mentor to support you through the rough patches.

I’ve been there . . .

I found myself in that space over twenty years ago. I was a single mom, working as a VP in marketing for a large restaurant company. Outside, I had it all together. I was very successful, owned my own home, was a loving mom to my two daughters, and had a small group of friends. But, inside, I was exhausted, sad about two failed marriages and a recent breakup, and found it hard to get out of bed on Mondays. (Can you relate?)

I remembered a book I had read several years before by Dr. Wayne Dyer, found it on my bookshelf and reread Your Erroneous Zones. Later that month, I thought of Abraham-Hicks and The Law of Attraction. After looking in my desk, I found several tapes from Esther & Jerry Hicks, to whom a counselor had introduced me a few years previously. I plugged one into my Walkman that day and every day for about a month for my daily walk. (Remember a time before Bluetooth and smartphones?) I also found a counselor online who taught me the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, AKA Tapping) and I began to use this type of energy clearing to feel, release and heal old wounds and trauma.

Slowly, I began to feel better on the inside and talked to my doctor about needing to lose weight. Over the next few months, I lost 30 pounds, began journalling my thoughts and feelings, and started to change my inner landscape. Within six months, I was feeling better about myself and joined a dating website.

While my daughters and I were on vacation in Cancun, we checked our email at the internet café in downtown Cancun (no internet at the hotel or smartphones in 2000!) and I had a message from a man who wanted to meet me. I looked at his profile and my heart fluttered. I agreed to meet him for lunch when we returned.

That lunch meeting at a Tex-Mex restaurant was more than 20 years ago and we married two years later.

Spiritual Adventuring

In 2002, we began attending weekly classes with a local Psychic Medium and began a spiritual adventure that continues to this day.

We began to study ways to tune in to our intuition, as well as tarot, mediumship, and meditation. I started to see my life shift once again when I began to meditate regularly, and this is now a daily practice.

Along the way, I also studied Theta Healing, Hypnosis, EFT, Energy Healing, Access Bars, Innerspeak and One Command. My husband and I are Reiki Masters and I am a Certified Angel Practitioner and Certified Crystal Healer, as well. My husband is Steve Spur, the Cowboy Psychic.

My Book

In 2008, I created a series of classes for grieving women. Some were grieving the loss of a child, others the loss of a parent, a marriage, or job. In 2016, I redesigned the material from these classes and published my book Navigating Grief with Grace.

Spiritual Mentoring

Over time, the clients who came for past life regression, guidance and classes would ask questions about their spiritual journey and I began to offer ongoing mentorship for women.
I combine my training, experience, and resources with intuitive guidance and tools to support women who are hurting, angry, or lost. Women who may need help navigating their lives and creating a new life and a new future.


During 2020-2022, I studied Astrology with four leading astrologers and now add natal chart readings to the services I provide.

I am a Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon and Gemini Rising. This gives me an adventurous spirit, a “get it done” discipline and a curiosity for learning that makes me a lifelong student.

Nothing gives me more joy than to share a tool or resource that I have utilized in my own life, so that you can also learn and grow and create your best life. If I’m guided to share a book suggestion instead of another session with me, that’s what I’ll do. That Sagittarius Sun in me can’t help but speak honestly and from my heart!

Why work with me?

There may be a lot of coaches and mentors, but few have the depth of spiritual training and knowledge or network of resources that I do. And I tell women all the time: “If I don’t have a resource for you, I’ll ask my husband!” My husband, Steve Spur, is a widely known psychic medium, who is very knowledgeable on a variety of spiritual and esoteric subjects, as well.

I provide guidance, tools, and resources to empower women to live their best lives!

A little more about me and my life:

  • I’m a native Texan and live in a small town in Texas, south of Dallas

  • I continue to enjoy classes and training and am on at least one Zoom every week, learning something new

  • I enjoy free time with our two granddaughters and pick them up from school two days a week

  • I enjoy short trips with my husband and retreats with friends

  • I love to read romance novels, loved the Twilight Series & Hunger Games, and enjoy books on spiritual topics

  • I love Dateline, Chicago Fire, White Lotus & The Great British Baking Show

  • I listen to both Top 40 radio and classical music in my car

  • I love to make jewelry with crystals and gemstones and taught my younger daughter how to do it. She now has a side business making healing bracelets for both women
    and men.

What I love more than anything is teaching women how to connect with their own inner guidance.

Every woman can tap into her intuition. It's a skill you can learn, just like learning how to speak a foreign language. And the more you practice, the
better you become.

Find the magic inside of you . . .

We all have this magic inside; it’s just waiting to be discovered and nurtured.