Let’s All Support One Another
Lessons Learned at Volleyball
My granddaughter (who I’ll call “A”) is in middle school and plays volleyball with other 7th grade girls. I’ve enjoyed attending all of her games and love both skill and the camaraderie that these young women bring to each game. They are totally about supporting each other and cheering each other on. When A’s team is playing, another team of older volleyball players leads cheers from the bleachers. The team spirit is so contagious! Soon, the parents and siblings of the girls are joining in and cheer on the team, as well!
Early on, I noticed a particularly supportive practice that the girls use when a teammate missed a serve or volley. The girls rally around the one who missed the shot and give her a group hug or take her hands and clasp them tightly. All of this was as if to say, “We got you! You did great! You’ll do even better next time.”
What a great ritual for building self-esteem!!! I LOVE THIS! Instead of tearing each other down or criticizing the person who missed the shot, the team rallies around her and gives her encouragement.
Isn’t this a great practice? What if all women worked to support each other, rather than gossiping and tearing down one another? What’s that quote about adjusting another woman’s crown?
Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown,
without telling the world that it was crooked.
I hope we can encourage all young women today and those who come after them to support each other in all of their pursuits, whether in sports, academics or later in life.
The Fall Season and Letting Go
Here in Texas, we are finally enjoying crisp fall weather and the leaves are beginning to drop. Nature is always teaching us lessons and sharing wisdom and the leaves are also speaking to us:
The leaves are about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.
Autumn is a perfect time to clear clutter, let go of what we no longer need and get ready for the winter months.
Here is a tarot or oracle spread that works well to make the most of the autumn vibes:
Card 1 - What is a past memory you want to let go and heal?
Card 2 – What is a habit or behavior you want to let go?
Card 3 – What can you do to get ready for winter?
Grab your favorite tarot or oracle deck and draw 3 cards. Make a note of what you learn from each card. Then, put the cards together and read them as one story. What symbols or colors do you now see when you look at the cards as one image? What did you learn from the cards? What did your intuition tell you?
Leaves are nature’s confetti, celebrating the beauty of life.
How would you like your own personal reading with PJ, to ask questions about your journey? Click here and schedule your own guidance reading with PJ: